
Fresh Apple Cake

Fresh Fruit, sliced if large
Package yellow cake mix
Stick of butter

Layer your apple slices (or other fruit) at the bottom of a pan that has been coated with non-stick spray.

Sprinkle on boxed cake mix.

I didn’t even use the entire box — save a little if you please, and then you can use it to make single-serving versions of this same recipe when you get a sweet tooth!

Melt an entire stick of butter.

Pour butter over the fruit and dry cake mix.

Bake at 350* for approximately 35-45 minutes — it’s done when it is nice and bubbly.

Put a little vanilla ice cream on the top.

Recipe from: alizadventures.blogspot.com

Photo from: recipebyphoto.com

11 thoughts on “Easy Apple Cake”
  1. I wasn’t so sure about this recipe because its so simple, but this was delicious! I made it last night and all of it was eaten! I’ll be making this recipe again! Thank you!

  2. How much is a stick of butter? In Canada butter is sold on pound blocks. I look forward to your reply

  3. Just picked fresh apples from our Transparent tree.
    Cake made and is now in the oven.
    Added cinnamon and some sugar to the apples.
    I am sure it will be delicous! !st time trying this recipe!

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